Install bandwidth monitor linux

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 Link to the download area on SourceForge: Download BandwidthD

[root@planetmy]# tar xvfz bandwidthd-2.0.1.tgz

[root@planetmy]# cd bandwidthd

Configure and install the Bandwidthd source:

[root@planetmy]# ./configure && make install

Please make sure you have:
 libpcap from
 libpng from
 libgd from


# yum install libbap Or # apt-get install libcap

# yum install libpng Or # apt-get install libpng

# yum install apache Or # apt-get install apache2

Edit /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf

to suit your network environment. …..

Save your config and start bandwidthd using /usr/local/bandwidthd/bandwidthd.

Point your Apache Virtual Host to
 /usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs for browse
 the bandwidthd graph

Alias /bandwidthd “/usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs”
 <Directory “/usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs”>
 Order Allow,Deny
 Allow from All

Save your work and restart apache. Next open your browser and point to http://yourserverip/bandwidth.

Vishal Vyas

See also  Monitoring User Activity with psacct On Linux

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