Deploy Prometheus with Docker

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Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit, You can monitor various resources using Prometheus. Prometheus has multiple modes for visualisation data: a built-in expression browse.
  • Download the promethes for linux.
We will download the prometheus setup for linux and unzip the setup.
  • Untar setup.
$ tar -xzf prometheus-2.7.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Go to the directory.
$ cd prometheus-2.7.1.linux-amd64
Now you can costumize you promethus.yml file and add some target into it and save the file.
  • Create docker file.
$ vim Dockerfile
FROM prom/prometheus

ADD . /etc/prometheus/

save the file.
  • Build the Dockerfile.
$ docker build -t prometheus:myversion .
  • Now run the Docker image.
$ docker run prometheus:myversion
  • Now you can check from browser with port 9090.
Now you can able to open Prometheus dashboard. Also you can configure Prometheus with Grafana to visualise data flow.
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