When managing multiple environments in Sanity, it’s essential to have a separate development environment for testing without affecting production data. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to export a Sanity production dataset and import it into a development environment using the command line on an Ubuntu machine.
Following these steps will ensure that your development environment mirrors production, allowing safe testing and debugging.
Step-by-Step Guide to Copy a Sanity Dataset
Step 1: Export the Production Dataset
To create a backup of the production dataset, use the following command:
sanity dataset export production production-backup.tar.gz
This command will:
- Export the production dataset.
- Export the production dataset.
Save it as a file named production-backup.tar.gz in the current directory.
Step 2: Create a New Development Dataset
Before importing the production backup, create a new dataset for development:
sanity dataset create development
This will create a development dataset, which will serve as a clone of the production data.
Step 3: Import the Backup into Development
Once the development dataset is created, import the backup file into it:
sanity dataset import production-backup.tar.gz development
This command will:
- Load all documents from production-backup.tar.gz into the development dataset.
Step 4: Verify the Import
To confirm that the dataset was imported successfully, list all available datasets:
sanity dataset list
This should display both the production and development datasets.
(Optional) Step 5: Clean Up the Backup File
If you no longer need the exported backup file, you can delete it to free up space:
rm production-backup.tar.gz
Final Summary
Here’s a quick recap of all the commands:
sanity dataset export production production-backup.tar.gz
sanity dataset create development
sanity dataset import production-backup.tar.gz development
sanity dataset list
rm production-backup.tar.gz # Optional cleanup
By following these steps, you can safely clone your production dataset into a development environment, ensuring a stable testing setup without risking live data.