Essential Docker Commands Every Developer Should Know

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Mastering Docker: Essential Docker Commands Every Developer Should Know


Docker has transformed the way developers create, ship, and run applications. Docker, as a cornerstone of containerization, enables teams to create lightweight, portable, and consistent environments. To fully utilize Docker’s capabilities, developers must be familiar with its command-line interface. In this post, we will look at essential Docker commands that will help you improve your containerization game.


1. Pulling Docker Images:

Before diving into the world of Docker containers, you will frequently need to download pre-built images from Docker Hub. Enter the following command:

docker pull <image_name>:<tag>

Replace <image_name> with the desired image name and <tag> with the specific version or ‘latest.’ 


2. Running Docker Containers:

Starting containers is an essential Docker ability. Using a pulled image as a basis, the subsequent command launches a container:

docker run -d –name <container_name> <image_name>:<tag>

Replace <container_name> with a name for your container.


3. Viewing Running Containers:

Keep tabs on your running containers using:

docker ps

For a comprehensive list, including stopped containers, add the -a flag:

docker ps -a


4. Stopping and Removing Containers:

When you’re done with a container, gracefully stop it with:

docker stop <container_name>

To remove a stopped container, use:

docker rm <container_name>


5. Viewing Container Logs:

Troubleshooting? View container logs with:

docker logs <container_name>


6. Executing Commands Inside a Container:

Interact with a running container’s shell:

docker exec -it <container_name> sh

Replace sh with your preferred shell.


7. Building Docker Images:

Craft your Docker image using a Dockerfile. Navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile and run:

See also  How To Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04

docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> .


8. Pushing Images to Docker Hub:

Share your custom images by pushing them to Docker Hub:

docker push <image_name>:<tag>


9. Cleaning Up Docker Artifacts:

Reclaim disk space by removing dangling images, stopped containers, and more:

docker system prune

Use the -a flag to include unused images.


These Docker commands are the foundation of effective containerization workflows. Whether you are a seasoned Docker user or just getting started, knowing these commands will help you speed up your development and deployment processes.

Accept Docker’s power, and stay tuned for more useful tips and tutorials. Good luck with your containerizing!

Author : Vishal Vyas

Tags: Docker, Containerization, DevOps, Docker Commands, Docker Hub

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